Thursday, October 30, 2008

Business Casual Dictators

Here at G.P.D. headquarters, we hosted a "Bring Your Child to Work" costume party today. Needless to say, the turnout was substantial and our photographs of the nearly-completed theme park were greeted with youthful cries of joy.

The winner of the costume contest was Abe Smith, who dressed up as his idol, Abe Lincoln. The award was based more on the ideal than the actual delivery, since we at the GNU Public Dictatorship are nothing if not dedicated to learning from those great leaders who have come before us.

Little Abe was, surprisingly, the only child who did not choose to dress up as a Future Public Dictator. Naturally, we on the Board were flattered by the attention and lavished praise accordingly. After the many variations on the costume we saw, we were struck by one important quality: those who most closely resembled the actual Board of Dictators wore business casual clothing.

And here at GNU Public Dictatorship, that summarizes what we are: we are a Business Casual Dictatorship. We have no desire to put ourselves above you: the little people who contribute to the world in whatever small way you can. We at GPD have no need for Neimann Marcus bespoke suits or large personal accounts for clothing expenses. We offer ourselves to you as we are--simple, pure and genuine.

Beware those who value the appearance of goodness more than goodness itself. Genuine concern cannot be written off as a business expense.

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