Tuesday, July 10, 2012


At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not dedicated to accuracy and fairness, which is why when we discovered that the machine we used to talk to a cuttlefish was tampered with we used it on ourselves.  Daniel, Juliana, and I used the machines during a recent GPD meeting.  We all experienced minor headaches, for which we apologized to Crktdwk, but perhaps more striking is the nonsense that came from the machine.  Here is a portion of the transcript provided by the machine (the transcript provided by our secretary follows):

Daniel: The next item on the agenda of the signs of evil and danger to the miners in England.
Juliana:  We have new information?
Tim: Team, are children of parents said that the air filter, put a label on the wrong key '.
Daniel: These reports, at least a few hours before, and I think it will take positive action.
Juliana: If so, we must move forward.
Tim: Opinion.
Daniel: Approved.

And from our secretary:
Daniel: The next issue on the agenda is the threat posed by evil stickers to coal miners in England.
Juliana:  Do we have any new data?
Tim: We have anecdotal reports of blocked air filters caused by children re-affixing portions of evil stickers on their parents' gear.
Daniel: Those reports are at least a few hours old by now, and I believe we have already taken corrective action.
Juliana: If that is the case, I propose that we move on.
Tim: Agreed.
Daniel: Agreed.
The discrepancy is small but significant, and sheds some doubt on our conversation with Crktdwk, but we still believe there may be octopi out there mad enough to try to give humans mad cow disease because of the compacted Gross Domestic Product, but we will decrease the priority of our investigations in this realm.  Opinion?

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