Friday, July 27, 2012

Equality and Communication

For those who follow such things (which we hope is all of our faithful supporters) this recent article about the inequality of man (and beasts) has been causing a good deal of controversy since its publication.  At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not egalitarian, which is why we feel the need to tell you what this means for you so that we can keep you in your places without having to impose our will on you violently.

The fundamental argument of the article is that egalitarian models are less efficient than hierarchical ones, and that hierarchies arise naturally out of the need and desire to improve efficiency in decision making.  We have posted about these ideas before and have come to the same conclusions.  What makes this article so controversial among our supporters, however, is the suggestion that all are not created equal.  At the GPD we believe that all men are created equal, but that through their choices they differentiate themselves.  Those of us who are members of the Board of Dictators have obviously differentiated ourselves very well and have established that we are fit to run the world, while many of our enemies have shown utter disdain for society and have made it very clear that they cannot be part of the New Future.  The vast majority of world citizens, however, are part of neither group.  The aforementioned article mentions that the more reliable the "Big Man" is, the steeper the hierarchy will be.  We believe that since we, the Board of Dictators, do such a fine job, the hierarchy will be essentially flat, with one shining group of pillars among world citizens: us.  This model will keep democracy alive by flattening the hierarchy for the vast majority of world citizens and simultaneously retain the efficiency of a steep hierarchy.  World citizens will be able to rejoice that they are all on the same footing, while we will be able to direct humanity (and other forms of life) in a peaceful existence.  What could be better?

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