Tuesday, July 17, 2012


At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if appalled by our enemies' lack of concern for human (and non-human) life, but every now and again they still do something so despicable that we have trouble believing it.  Take the case of this Indian man, who was clearly deceived by the New Company into using untested and dangerous hole punch-style gardening tools.  His wife didn't want to create an enemy of the New Company, but she does clearly want to point the finger at her husband's "gardening habits."  We're not sure why the New Company would want to puncture this man's eye and insert a worm, but we have some suspicions.  We'll investigate them, but please, please, PLEASE do not let anyone talk you into using hole-punch-style gardening tools lest you, too, have a worm growing in your eye.

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