Thursday, July 12, 2012

Choosing When to Disobey the Law

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not dedicated to the rule of law and order, but we also understand that sometimes it may be necessary to violate a law or two when a higher purpose is at stake.  The challenge, of course, is to determine when a higher purpose is actually at stake.  To address this challenge Johann LeBeau, our Director of Education, has been creating a course that will be offered at your local GPD county offices very soon.  Quite a number of our supporters have already taken the course while it was in beta, but we believe that when "Choosing When to Disobey the Law" is available everywhere people will not have to think so hard about whether a specific situation is justification for breaking the law.  We hope that this course will prevent situations like this one, in which Flora Burkhart decided that keeping her ice cream from melting was adequate justification for leaving the scene of an accident.  Some of you may be asking why ice cream isn't important enough to justify leaving the scene of an accident, so we'll elaborate a bit on the nuances of the situation.  The following graph from the course materials should help:
This graph should help you decide whether to stop and wait for the Police or to flee the scene of an accident.  While this is clearly an oversimplification, the primary variables to consider are the value of the ice cream and the outside temperature.  Other variables that you should consider include the amount of time already spent with the ice cream in the car and the temperature of the freezer at the location of purchase or acquisition.

This graph is just one of the many useful tools available in the new course at your local GPD office!

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