Monday, December 1, 2008

The Immigration Battle

It has been all over the news lately that company after company is being raided for hiring undocumented workers. Well, now it turns out that even Google is hiring undocumented functions. The problem is real, so what do we do about it?

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we suggest that the solution is to cut the Gordian knot altogether instead of spending exorbitant amounts of time and energy untying the complexities of immigration law. Rather than fret about who can and who can't work, under the GPD no worker will be undocumented. We will keep track of each and every one of you, which will allow corporations to hire without worrying about the documented status of workers. It will also allow us to serve your needs better, much like the little key chain cards allow supermarkets to serve you better. With everyone documented, the problem disappears into a puff of smoke (It's times like these I wish I knew how to do foley with a blog entry...I'd pick that wonderful poof sound from The Sword in the Stone and put it here). At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not resourceful!

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