Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Wedding bells

It seems that "Edgar" and "Natasha" have made good on their promise to run off together.  Our operatives in Reno have discovered a newly filed marriage license in the names of Cornelius Quisling III and Jennifer Ferguson.  While Jennifer Ferguson is a fairly common name, as there is even one running for congress this year, there are far fewer Cornelius Quisling III.  "Natasha" (Jennifer Ferguson) was a good operative and we have been hoping that maybe this was all some ruse, but she and "Edgar" are now married.  We know Jennifer would never toy with marriage, so we have to assume it was legit.  At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not happy that she has found true love, but we are also nothing if not saddened by the sacrifices she is making to pursue that love.

Oh, and no, our operatives did not get to Reno in time to find the happy couple, but the man who gave them their license told us they had intended to take their honeymoon in Europe.  We'll step up our European presence, but we ask that if any of you find yourselves in Europe to please keep an eye out for "Edgar" and "Natasha."  And if you're not in Europe and happen to see them, please let us know as well.  If we can catch them before they become established it will be much easier to overcome them!

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