Thursday, August 9, 2012

"Edgar" has resigned!

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not pleased when things go our way, and today is no exception.  Although we know that Quisling acting as "Edgar" resigned already and that "Edgar" has been in a reality simulation for quite some time now, the fact that he spontaneously chose to resign is quite encouraging.  Here is his resignation letter (keep in mind that "Natasha" had been using the alias Kathryn while working at the Parent Corporation):
To whom it may concern: 
I, Cornelius Quisling III, to be referred to herein as "Edgar," do hereby resign my post as leader of the Parent Corporation and do ask for my name to be removed from the rolls of the Unholy Brotherhood of the Hole Punch.  I will sign and honor a nondisclosure and non-compete agreement, but I can no longer be associated with either of these movements.  I am, instead, going to try to rule the world on my own. 
I do not come to this decision lightly, and have long considered the consequences of action and inaction.  I used to believe fervently that the world would be better if I were to rule it, and I used that belief to justify embracing the evil tools at my disposal.  I never really believed that the world would be a better place if everyone used brads, hole punches, and evil stickers, but I knew that world citizens are easier to control if they are distracted by addictions and dependent on someone else to provide them with a fix.  I began to dabble in evil office product use myself, and often found it quite thrilling. 
In the last year, however, I have realized the error of my ways, as I have watched my beloved Kathryn deteriorate to a mere shell of the wonderful lady she was.  When I met her she was passionate and positive, always inspiring me to come up with my cleverest schemes (unfortunately, even my cleverest schemes began to rarely succeed as my enemies somehow knew what I was up to).  While she was quite competent at professional use of brads and hole punches, she was also clearly not used to casual use of evil office products.  I fed off her energy and introduced her to recreational use of my evil office products.  For a while it seemed like paradise, but in the last few months I noticed that her usual passion had been replaced by indifference.  Her positive nature had become apathetic, and she no longer inspired me.  At first I thought I should just move on, but then I realized something I hadn't before--I didn't really want to use evil office products anymore.  Something inside me had snapped.  I had tried before, unsuccessfully, to stop using them, but this time it worked.  I have been evil-office-product-free for over a month now, and I am beginning to realize that the Parent Corporation and the Unholy Brotherhood of the Hole Punch are not positioned to influence the world at all, let alone to get me into my preferred seat of absolute world power.  Even worse, I began to see that I may have destroyed my beloved Kathryn.  Even now she is still in the spell of those evil, evil stickers.  I will continue to try to persuade her to give up the habits, but I fear it may be too late.  I never got the chance to tell her how I feel... 
You don't have to worry about me exposing the secrets of the Parent Corporation to its enemies; I have no loyalty to them, even if my twin works with them.  I will be working independently to convince the world that I should reign over them, and if it works I will be the happiest man in the world. 
I wish you all the best of luck and hope that you will succeed in your endeavors.

Cornelius "Edgar" Quisling III

 We are fairly certain that his message was sincere, and are debating whether to introduce the real "Natasha" into the simulator to see whether "Edgar" can convince her to give up her habits.  We had no idea that "Edgar" felt so strongly about his coworker, and, as far as our psychiatrists can tell, neither did "Natasha."  We'll let you know how things work out.

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