Monday, June 15, 2009

Whispers of Something Diabolical

There have been a number of indicators as of late that the Parent Corporation is engaging in something unprecedentedly diabolical. Daniel has been leading the investigations and will be ready to report on his findings soon, but I'll share some of the information we have been studying.

The first indicator is this family's unfortunate experience. The media may say it was an honest mistake, but it appears to be a first stab at some sort of insidious identity piracy, perhaps in a test market. To say more now would be to begin speculation, and at the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not opposed to speculation.

The next indicator is the recent spate of phone-in vandals. While we initially thought it was a few individuals acting on their own we now have reason to believe that it may be the culmination of a long-running experiment aimed at creating more than one copy of a person and then using a copy at a propitious moment to wreak havoc on the world.

There are more indicators, including rising barometric pressure in certain pockets of the world, increased PM10 levels in certain cities, and other anomalies that can't be explained any other way. We expect Daniel to finish his research soon and post more information, but until then we ask that you increase your awareness level to cyan with puce stripes.

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