A case in point, yesterday evening my home was approached by an apparently run-of-the-mill instrument of evil, a door-to-door salesman. Our long-running policy about negotiating with evil prevented us from opening the door, but as he left he left a pamphlet on our door. Curious, I read the flier. This is what it said:

Tired of Door-to-Door Salesman?
And Get a "No Soliciting" Sign!
Or call [namewithheld] at [numberwithheld]
Many styles to choose from.
And Get a "No Soliciting" Sign!
Or call [namewithheld] at [numberwithheld]
Many styles to choose from.
Of all the things he could be selling, he was purveying "No Soliciting" signs. We have warned our supporters before that the Parent Corporation is vile and tricky, but not even we expected this level of treachery. Who would have thought they would be so bold as to try to convince people by going door-to-door that they are against people who go door-to-door?
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