Wednesday, January 28, 2009

One more thing...

As our research into the Parent Corporation and its goals, structure, methods, and tactics continues we are constantly learning more about the threats they are unleashing on the world. We have posted about the hole punch and its associated evils, but we left out one important piece of information that has now become clear: not only is the hole punch dangerous, but the "holes" or circular pieces of paper that it produces are as much or more dangerous. Until now our research has focused almost entirely on the dangers posed by the hole punch itself. Don't get us wrong, the dangers are real and they are significant. We urge our supporters to not be lulled away into security thinking that there is nothing wrong with a hole punch as long as it isn't used incorrectly. What surprised us, though, was the evil that is the punched hole.

Punched holes may seem innocent, but if you have ever used a hole punch and accidentally bumped the plastic cover for the hole receptacle you know how quickly those innocent little disks can spread. "Okay," you're saying, "so it is a bit irritating. What danger does it pose to me?" Most of the time the paper we buy is harmless, but there are paper manufacturers and dealers that traffic in paper soaked with hallucinogenic chemicals or other noxious substances. They don't do this for profit, mind you. They do it out of hatred for the human race and the potential it has. The Parent Corporation has not made their contempt for civilization a secret, and we know they have used hole punches to transfer large quantities of hallucinogens without being observed by the authorities.

If you are lucky enough to never come into contact with the Parent Corporation or its operatives then you may not need to heed our advice, but for the vast majority of you it would be wise to avoid not only the common hole punch but the punched holes as well. We know that many of you have long suspected the dangers we are uncovering, and we would ask you to please write in with your stories so that we might share them with the world. At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not committed to the fight against tyranny in all its forms!

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