Friday, October 5, 2012

Appropriate reactions

Most of you know the story of Yang Dacai, who was stripped of his position in the Chinese government for being caught on camera smiling at the scene of a disaster where 36 people died.  We have been discussing this incident and its ethical implications for the last couple of weeks, and at the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not plagued by conflicting emotions on this one.  On one hand, we find it pathetic that this Chinese official was smiling where 36 people died, unless of course it was his doing, in which case it would be normal for him to smile at the successful completion of a dastardly deed, but we think he wasn't involved, which makes it sad that he would be insensitive enough to grin broadly on such a somber occasion.  On the other hand, though, we find it sad that he was dismissed for being an insensitive brute.  At the GPD we know that being an insensitive brute doesn't mean that you can't be an effective administrator, operative, or other cog in the government of a society, it just means you are an insensitive brute.  Consequently, after much consideration, the GPD is updating its official employment contract to state, essentially, that you will not be fired for being an insensitive brute, regardless of the circumstances.  Of course, being an insensitive brute will not probably be good for your career, and if you do it too often you will probably be relegated to working in the GNU Public Dungeons, but we promise we won't dismiss you simply for being one!

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