Monday, November 17, 2008

What's wrong with the Status Quo

What's wrong with the status quo? A majority of our applicants have chosen to respond to this question for the essay portion of our application, and, with a few exceptions, the responses have been very well-thought-out. We noticed that there were a few common themes running through them, and would like to talk about one of them here.

Before we get started, we would like to point out that there are many things wrong with the Status Quo Agreement, but we're not going to talk about it except to say that we think the parties involved are acting in a very immature manner.

Now back to our topic, we, like many of our applicants, believe that a serious problem with the status quo is that people tend to lack common sense. Common sense would seem to indicate that an intoxicated person should not drive to meet the police somewhere, but that's what this family did. Common sense would indicate that an encyclopedia that anyone can edit wouldn't be a good source for legal judgments, but there are a number of judges that disagree. (Incidentally, we have begun work on a new wiki for them. We're calling it wikiprecedent. Finally, the court of public opinion will have a virtual home.) Common sense would also dictate that it's a bad idea to do a fake fundraiser in your own neighborhood. You should at least try to take money from people who don't know that you're not using it the way you claimed. Common sense would seem to argue for checking a heavy 150cm x 120cm (5' x 4') box before letting it be mailed out of a prison.

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we offer a unique solution to this rampant lack of common sense. With our shining guidance and you as our supporters, the world can't help but become a much better place almost overnight.

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