Monday, November 24, 2008

Look what we have done!

Ever since we decided that gas prices had gone up enough to scare people into action on alternative energy sources we have been working tirelessly to reverse the trend we had previously put in place. The following graph (from this BBC article) chronicles our progress. At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not concerned about the state of your pocket book.

The student of propaganda will note that this graph follows law 13b, which states, "Never include zero in your graphs, as it will tend to make it harder to make your point." It is an admirable application of the law as it makes it look like we have dropped oil prices to less than a fifth of what they were, when in reality we're only about at a third of what they were. Good work, Bloomberg.

Note: the Propaganda 315 teacher has asked us to emphasize that the course is in propaganda, not plagiarism, so be sure to include a few of your own words in your write up on this graph.

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