Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Why a Board of Dictators?

We at the GNU Public Dictatorship are very proud to present our revolutionary plan for a Board of Dictators. Heaven forbid we try to push a single power-hungry entity on the masses. That would be irresponsible, and the G.P.D. is anything but irresponsible. So we devised a way to simulate the vital checks and balances found in democratic societies. With not a single dictator, but a board of dictators, we can ensure that a variety of world domination plans will be considered and discussed. That means more equal opportunity for the likes of you. And all of this without any voting hassle or inconvenience of party caucuses. You can thank us by silencing those stubbornly dissenting voices in your head. We're nothing if not benevolent.

1 comment:

Sandra said...

Thank you! Finally, I don't have to go stand 2 hours in a weaving line at the local elementary school with 250 other close friends for my opportunity to cast a vote. Besides, we all know that it doesn't matter in the end. "They" pick the next leader anyways. You've just freed up a few hours a year and my deepest gratitude for that. Carry on with your diligence.