Tuesday, September 9, 2008

157 MPG

Today I invented a car which runs at 157 miles per gallon. I based it on a Hummer because I know how popular SUVs have become with the important "bleached blonde woman talking into a cell phone and not paying attention to the road" demographic. I thought it only appropriate that GNU Public Dictatorship "give back" to all of you who have been so overwhelmingly supportive of our mission to create world peace through dictatorship.

Unfortunately, I can't reveal the secrets to my car's success. Part of my deal to take over Fannie and Freddie was handing my alternative fuel research over to the US government. But rest assured that when GNU Public Dictatorship is in control, the secret to driving socially insensitive monstrosities will be publicly available. We're nothing if not concerned about your driving options.

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