Wednesday, November 28, 2012


At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not opposed to evil in all of its forms, which is why incidents such as this one, in which a pardoned bird mysteriously meets an early demise after being released but before his scheduled execution, frustrate us.  As we have repeatedly affirmed, the GPD believes in the rule of law and order, and when someone is acquitted in a court of law or pardoned by elected officials, we believe that their alleged offenses should be forgotten.  The bird in question, Peace, was spared execution by executive order, and thought that things would then proceed to go smoothly.  Unfortunately, a New Company operative bent on vigilante justice infected the turkey with a virulent disease which necessitated his early death.  We mentioned yesterday about the new "Gertrude's" evil plans, and our operatives have just confirmed that this incident was part of one of them.  His goal, however, is much more ambitious than killing a turkey--he intends to disrupt the world's justice system by endangering the lives of people released from prison (on parole, pardoned, or having served their time) so that they would rather remain in prison for their entire lives, even after they could be integrated into society.  Our operatives tell us that the reason he wants to keep people in prison is that he has ways of spreading his nefarious products "inside" that just don't work in the regular world.  We presume he is trying to strengthen a shadow society in jail and then release them into the regular world when they are ready, but we intend to be ready first!

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