Thursday, November 29, 2012

3D models

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not dedicated to progress, but we do occasionally have to take a stand against "progress" that is in bad taste or in the wrong direction.  Take the trend, for example, where parents buy 3D models of the fetus inside the mother (picture 6).  It may seem innocent and quirky, but imagine where this technology might lead.  While a model of a fetus might be cute, imagine what would happen if we started allowing people to model their internal organs in the same way.  Not only would it be weird, but it would be indecent if people started modeling their organs that are generally considered private.  While it may be tempting to buy a 3D model of your fetus, at the GPD we ask our supporters to consider the long term consequences of such a purchase before supporting the industry.

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