Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Inhumane treatment

With the recent complaints Anders Breivik has been making about the inhumane conditions in the Norwegian prison in which he is being held, we thought it would be a good time to discuss what we, the GNU Public Dictatorship's Board of Dictators, believe about what makes something inhumane, especially in light of our recent efforts to recognize the contributions of all forms of life to the New Future and make conditions better for everyone.  Mr. Breivik has made it clear in previous statements that he is not a believer in equal rights for all humans, let alone for all living things.  He has made it clear that his brutal murders were motivated by a desire to keep his homeland from becoming impure and being ruined, and has justified his horrible crimes by claiming that he wanted to make things better for all, or at least for all that he considers worthy to inhabit his country.  At the GPD we are nothing if not dedicated to making things better for all, except for those who are dedicated to the enslavement of the human race to evil office products and the destruction of the New Future.  By our definition, to be inhumane a prison would have to be bad enough that we wouldn't wish it on our enemies.  The prison that Mr. Breivik is living in, however, is one where many of the poorest people in the world would love to spend a holiday weekend, which, by our count, makes it not inhumane.  If Mr. Breivik wants to experience a real inhumane prison we have a few sections of the GNU Public Dungeon that have been closed because they were too horrible, and we could put him up in one of them for a while if he is interested.

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