Monday, August 10, 2009

We hope it's not true

Since the recent incident with Count Quisling we have been trying to piece together exactly what happened. Unfortunately, we have been unable to come to any firm conclusions as Quisling went to great lengths to cover his trail in all directions. We have investigated many leads (and "corrected" many situations we found in the process) but have yet to find "the lead" that ultimately brings him to justice. We do know quite a bit, however. We have decrypted communications between Quisling and well-placed members of the Parent Corporation. These communications have taught us quite a bit about the communication infrastructure at the Parent Corporation, but they have left us with a theory that we hope is not true: Quisling's patterns of communication with his co-conspirators against the human race are entirely consistent with the communications we have intercepted from the mysterious "Edgar". (For the curious, we mean the decision-making "Edgar", not the figurehead "Edgar"). In addition, our investigations have confirmed that Quisling had bought two prosthetic pinkies from a Canadian robotics firm. We have studied the elementary school transcripts and medical histories that Quisling provided and have found no mention of any office accidents, but close examination does show that there are six months of his life unaccounted for on his records. We would like to be absolutely clear on this point, though: we have no evidence that Quisling is "Edgar". All we have is a series of coincidences and circumstantial details. We hope that Quisling isn't "Edgar" but only time will tell. As we mentioned in an earlier post, the danger that someone like Quisling poses to the GNU Public Dictatorship is minimal, but we will be initiating a review of our hiring process in light of the apparent problems we are observing.

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