Friday, August 14, 2009


As if there weren't enough evil already in the world, science has stepped up to create its own version of evil. We would like to point out that although Selmer Bringsjord is only creating a virtual representation of evil, the danger of his evil escaping its containment field is non-negligible. At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not vigilantly defending your online safety, and we think the consequences of the release of this evil upon the Internet would be unthinkable. Imagine the half-thought-out rude remarks he might make, and the cyber-bullying and spreading of material not suitable for minors that would ensue. As of yet the Internet has escaped this evil, so we have invoked a little-used clause* in our bylaws to require Bringsjord to seek help for E (his evil character) from Eliza immediately. If he does not do so, the GPD will be forced to act.

*Clause 3-B states that in situations of extreme danger to the moral fiber of the Internet the GPD may demand immediate action. If the action is not carried out the perpetrator becomes subject to immediate review by our standards committee. If the perpetrator is found lacking, the committee may decide to excise them from the standard.

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