Thursday, August 20, 2009

When Zombies Attack!

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we try to minimize risk by having a plan for every possible contingency, which is why we recently commissioned a study into the likely outcome of a zombie invasion. Most scientists laughed at us and said we were crazy to even consider such a thing, but they'll be sorry when the undead rise against humanity. Robert Smith? (before you comment about it, the question mark is in fact part of his name and serves to differentiate between the scientist and the singer. We think Robert Smith, the singer, may already be a zombie, so we would never enlist his help in planning for a zombie attack) agreed to help us, and modeled a zombie attack using biological assumptions based on popular zombie movies. We are very pleased with the outcome, as they found that if we use frequent counter-attacks with increasing force we would be able to eradicate the fictional creatures. You can now sleep soundly knowing that when zombies attack we will be ready!

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