Friday, July 24, 2009

How low will they stoop?

Recently I was attending a religious gathering when I came face-to-face with the spawn of the Parent Corporation. Scattered all around the wood floor were little discs, obviously made by hole punches. As I am one of the foremost experts on hole punches and hole punch paraphernalia I stooped to examine them, and found that not only were they made from a sturdy foil-like plastic, but many of them had been coated so that they would adhere to the wood floor very tenaciously. We got our hazardous materials team to the scene within minutes, but many of the attendees still had to be disinfected. During cleanup four of our agents received minor injuries from the discs, ranging from bent fingernails to bruises. At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not appalled by this apparent lack of concern for people's religious freedom, and we would like to urge all of our supporters to educate their friends and neighbors about the dangers of such things.

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