Wednesday, July 22, 2009

An explanation

We have received a number of questions asking what has become of Daniel, and so we feel it is time to explain to our supporters what has been going on. Daniel, as a probationary member of the Board of Dictators, had recently come up against his three-month review. As all of you know our probationary members are prohibited from posting during their review (to allow them to post would be to allow them to sway public opinion before we have even made our own decision). The review is very thorough and has consumed much of the Board's time over the last few weeks. Daniel's contributions to the cause have been tremendous even in the short time he has been with us, so it should have come as no surprise to our supporters that he has passed his review and become a full member* of the Board of Dictators. At the GNU Public Dictatorship we expect nothing if not to hear more from Daniel soon now that he is free to speak!

*Full members are not allowed full voting rights until after they have passed their certification exams. Daniel is now preparing for the exams and should have them under his belt by the end of the year.

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