Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A FAQ about the underground people

Many people responded to my latest post with numerous questions about the hollow center of the earth and the people that live there. This post will be an attempt to answer as many of these questions as possible.

Q. Where is the hollow center of the earth?
A. As the name implies, it is at the center of the earth.

Q. Didn't science disprove this theory years ago?
A. Have you ever read a scientific work about someone who made direct observations of the earth's core? Indirect observations are fine and dandy, but unless you've been there please don't try to tell us it's impossible.

Q. How did people get there?
A. We haven't completed our investigations just yet, but from our guide's story it sounds like they traveled there long ago from the surface of the earth.

Q. How did they learn Esperanto?
A. Our guide took a correspondence course in Esperanto from the University of Phoenix.

Q. Why won't they help in the fight against brads?
A. This is an unfair loaded question. They are helping in the fight against brads, but they will not join us above ground as many of them have reverse-claustrophobia and can't stand to be in large caverns or open areas for very long. They did agree to hunt down and destroy any representatives of the Parent Corporation they might find down there, so we are pleased with the arrangement.

Q. How are you going to keep in contact with them?
A. We left a bunch of fiber-optic cables leading to a communication station down there, so we hope our guide will send us email from time to time. If he doesn't, we'll send emissaries down every couple of months.

Q. What is to be gained by this alliance? Was it really worth spending a week of your life underground?
A. Those who ask this question have obviously never read Edgar Rice Burrough's series of books about Pellucidar. Please read them and then ask your questions. Of course it was worth a week of my time.

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not pleased with our new allies, and we hope you can share our enthusiasm!

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