Tuesday, March 31, 2009

The importance of admitting one's faults

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not honest, and as we have shown from time to time we do not hesitate to reveal our own mistakes. As a matter of housekeeping we have to apologize to the people of Fargo, ND, for turning our valve keys the wrong way and adding more water to the swollen Red River instead of helping the flood waters to abate. We are pleased that the risk of flooding is receding in spite of our mistake.

Over the years we have seen many examples of prominent people who refuse to admit their own mistakes, and generally the result is disastrous. Case in point, Marcus Einfeld. As a prominent judge in Australia he couldn't bear the thought of living without a driver's license, and so he said he had loaned his car to an American colleague, who happened to have died three years earlier. When that alibi fell through he said he was driving his mother's car, but surveillance photos showed that the car hadn't moved all day. After a series of lies each more pathetic than the rest he finally ended up in jail. The lesson is clear: own up to your mistakes before they pull you down.

Oh, and while we're at it we should apologize to James Grover of San Francisco, CA for the incident with his cat and his lawn mower. Sorry, James.

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