Friday, March 27, 2009

Getting away with it?

We haven't seen any major incidents involving free hole punches just yet, and we are hopeful than none will materialize. We are troubled however, by the recent reports of DNA swab contamination reported here.

We have learned from our operatives that this "phantom woman" is indeed a real person. In fact, she was highly placed in the Parent Corporation (There is some debate as to her position. "Viktor" is willing to swear that she was the COO, but other information seems to indicate she was the CFO. Time will tell, but either way she was (and probably still is) highly placed within the organization) and committed the first few crimes attributed to her. In order to absolve her, the Unholy Brotherhood of the Hole Punch embarked on a troubling mission: to contaminate enough DNA swabs so that confidence in her guilt would be significantly undermined. Based on the article referenced above, it seems that they may have succeeded. At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not optimistic, and we would like you to all strengthen your resolve to keep the Parent Corporation at bay. Those of you who work around DNA swabs will likely have fewer civil liberties until this thing blows over, but we hope you will understand why we would need to do this.

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