Friday, October 22, 2010

Those pesky lichens

We recently reported on the passing of Segway boss Jimi Heselden and warned our supporters worldwide to keep their NARLD devices running despite the fact that we have eradicated wild nano-robotic lichens. Unfortunately another incident has occurred that confirms our fears: the Parent Corporation is still trying to use them to disrupt people's lives. While details are still sketchy and our investigation is by no means finished, we know that Christian Kandlbauer has been involved in a serious accident. Christian was the recipient of a "bionic arm," a prosthetic that was controlled by his brain and allowed him to be independent even though he had lost both of his natural arms. Initial reports suggest that his robotic arm may have been infected by nano-robotic lichens, and the wreckage of the car was in such a state that our engineers still haven't determined whether his NARLD was working at the time of the crash. If it wasnt, we suspect that he was the next intended victim of the Parent Corporation's evil schemes. If it was, we suspect that our hypothesis that the robotic uprising is beginning may be more correct than we thought. We will keep you informed of the interesting developments in this case and will try to let you know as soon as possible whether you should set up backup NARLD devices or whether you should avoid contact with robots.

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