Friday, October 29, 2010

Keep the applications coming!

We have already received an unbelievable number of Applications for Membership in the Board of Dictators, and we hope that you will keep them coming in. Remember that you only have until Tuesday, November 2, 2010 at 11:59:00 PM UTC to be considered for this year's "election." To get you excited about applying, here is a sampling of responses we have received so far:

  • Darrin Kirsch of Burley, Idaho, (whose emphasis in elementary school was "Avoidance of Undesirable Elements") explained what is wrong with the status quo by stating (among other things):
    "I have lived most of my life oblivious to the threats posed by such 'ordinary' items as brads, but I had an incident a few years ago that turned my life around. My nephew had just been admitted to a very exclusive Kindergarten. Although his parents were as unaware of the threats as I was, they had never had occasion to introduce their son to the brad. Within a few weeks, my nephew was so dependent upon brads that his parents had to pull him out of that school and enroll him in a GPD-Certified Brad-Free School. It took three months to get him completely back to normal, but it was amazing how quickly he started to change. Any world in which vulnerable school children are exposed to dangerous office products is clearly not a world in which I want to raise children. Since this incident I have been a very vocal supporter of the GPD and its efforts to create the New Future."
  • Natalie Eisenhower of Peoria, Illinois, (who achieved an impressive high score of 481,993 on Tetris for the NES on May 4, 1999) decided to go against the flow and argue for Democracy over Dictatorship:
    "Let me state, for the record, that I believe in the GNU Public Dictatorship, its Board of Dictators, and its mission. Even so, I believe that the average world citizen is not yet ready to be governed by such a wonderful form of government. While Democracies have had several hundred years of mostly good press, the Dictatorship is almost always vilified by other nations and by resistance fighters. Even though the Dictatorship may provide its citizens with food, shelter, clothing, health care, Internet access, and any other necessities, and even though it may be open and accessible to all of its citizens, there will invariably be individuals who, for lust of power, will try to destabilize the benevolent leaders by spreading lies about them. They will state that they are oppressive or otherwise evil, and thus lead away a resistance group and cause endless trouble for society."
    We would like to remind Natalie that these problems appear in Democracies as well, but we do appreciate her effort. Nice try, Natalie.
We appreciate all of the entries we have received, and encourage you all to remember that Tuesday is the deadline for this year. Happy applying!

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