Sunday, February 8, 2009

A robbery without honor

Police in Colorado Springs have released photos of a suspect using what they call a Klingon-type sword. What they didn't mention is that this robbery has no honor, and no self-respecting Klingon would wield such a poor imitation of a bat'leth (or "Sword of Honor" in Klingon). We are sure that he is an agent of the Parent Corporation and that he is trying to lead away our unsuspecting youth to a life of crime, but we believe that the Parent Corporation was lax in performing their research and that any self-respecting Star Trek fan would immediately recognize that the weapon was no bat'leth (it was probably purchased or taken from a convenience store in recent weeks) and that instead of being "cool" he just looks foolish. At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not convinced that if you are going to perform a robbery it should be with honor, although how to perform a dishonorable act with honor is going to be the subject of many philosophical debates...

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