Friday, September 28, 2012

The difference

Most of you will have already picked up on the main difference between us and our rivals for world control, but some of you may not have, and even those who have picked up on the difference may not have had a chance to ponder it.  At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not dedicated to ruling the world, which is why we are asking for your help to get us there.  But don't worry, we're not going to interrupt the regularly scheduled programming every ten minutes or so to babble on about needing your support until you either give in and donate money or give up and change stations, mostly since we never learned the art of babbling on about something without actually saying anything new or useful or insightful.  None of the members of the Board of Dictators took that elective course, and it has since been removed from the available curriculum at the GNU Public University and most other reputable places of higher learning.

Anyway, back to the main point of this post:  The big difference between us and our rivals is that our rivals expect you all to submit to their will either because you have been incapacitated by addictions to evil office products or because, in the case of "Edgar," you have decided that it is easier to let others think for you.  While we do expect you to submit to our will, we believe that you will do so willingly, since our will will truly be the Will of the People.  By submitting to our will you are really only submitting to your will, and it was you who got to choose your will!  What could be better?  We aren't advocating that you stop thinking for yourselves, and we are violently opposed to addictions, and due to our open nature you will never have to wonder what our goals are or why they are important.  The GPD and its Board of Dictators is, after all, the ideal government!

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