Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Improved Admissions Process

In an attempt to alleviate mounting frustrations with the GNU Public University's Graduate Admissions process we have made several changes. We believe that these changes will help individuals who are truly the most qualified to be admitted. The process will be as follows:

Applicants will be required to fill out the GNU Public Dictatorship University Graduate Application (.docx .pdf) and attach a current photograph. This application includes standard information such as birth weight, eye color, full history of all standardized testing scores and volunteer experience. From this information our panel of fully qualified Dungeon Masters will create character sheets (available here) for each applicant. Each character will be subjected to a series of tests in different teams for 12 hours each day until a decision has been made. Each applicant will be given a choice to represent themselves or to allow our GNU Public D&D Controller to represent them. Following the tests, those who are admitted to the program will be given housing arrangements based on their character class.

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