Thursday, September 9, 2010

An Innocent Pony?

It is a testament to the tenacity of the Parent Corporation and its Evil Affiliates that no matter what we do to discredit them they seem to have another idea or two up their sleeves. Their latest plot involved using a small toy horse robot to deliver nefarious office products such as brads to children leaving an Ohio elementary school. As if this weren't bad enough, when they were found out and the bomb squad came in to detonate their malevolent machine they decided to spin this as the bomb squad overreacting. They set up to show the world how ridiculous the threat was, and tried to drum up support for their cause by contacting local news outlets and selling their version of the story. The bomb squad didn't speak out about this because of their fears of causing a panic, but we believe that their caution is misguided. If people don't know that robot ponies could be corrupting our children how can they call the bomb squad to eradicate them?

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