Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Still more info

We have been engaged in marathon debriefing sessions with our friend and operative "Viktor" for the past several days, and it is time that we shared with you the information we believe that you, our supporters, should have. We are not yet sharing everything as there are still a few loose ends in the Allies' plan that are being tied up and we would hate to jeopardize them.

It seems that after Wolfgang Gottlieb's "disappearing" plan had been carried out that the remaining members of the nameless society met to determine what they could and should do for their families and the world. Unfortunately they were required in many instances to choose between helping their families and helping the world at large. Luckily for the world, most of them chose to help all of us. We have previously recounted much of what befell "Viktor" in the ensuing years, but with our new information we can fill in a lot of the gaps. Wolfgang's dedication to the Cause was extraordinary, and what is even more surprising is the ways he found to influence his son "Viktor" for good without revealing that he was alive. Wolfgang new that his family would be persecuted in Tocopilla, Chile, and so it was he that persuaded his wife through subtle hints that it was time to relocate to Europe. The incident with the Romanian customs official was not foreseen by Wolfgang, however, and the dark period which followed in which Angela was abused and "Viktor" sent to the orphanage were very difficult for Wolfgang. He eventually exerted some influence to get his wife away from the abuse and into a hospital while simultaneously creating the post of "Lord Victorious" at the orphanage where young "Viktor" was being held. He used this older orphan as a proxy trainer as he feared that if his son knew he was alive that both of their safety would be jeopardized.

All during these trying years Wolfgang was also setting in motion the plans which culminated only recently. Once "Viktor" escaped from the orphanage Wolfgang thought he could relax, but when Angela died shortly thereafter and "Viktor" fled to the Himalayas. Wolfgang once again had to step in, this time in providing him with a monk friend and mentor.

In the last year Wolfgang realized that his plans were coming to fruition, and that with the right set of circumstances he could make it so that his enemies would be powerless for years to come. He contacted "Viktor" while we were busy investigating the Quisling incident and explained to him everything we have just explained and more, asking him to leave us for a while to finish Wolfgang's plans once and for all. "Viktor" knew, however, that if he were to leave us that the Parent Corporation would immediately become suspicious, especially after his betrayal of the Company. He decided on his course of action: to fake his own death so as to leave himself free to act on his father's behalf.

The blow that has been dealt to the enemies of the people is a great one, and we hope to be able to explain it in more detail in the future, but for now this will have to suffice as we cannot reveal much more without jeopardizing the aforementioned loose ends.

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