Monday, February 8, 2010

Boredom: the new killer

We have all heard the phrase "bored to death," but most of us have dismissed it as hyperbole. Until now, the scientific community has agreed. A new study, however, links boredom to higher death rates among civil servants. At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not helpful, which is why we have dedicated this post to helping you understand the implications of this study.

Q. Should I worry if I have a "great deal" of boredom?
A. Yes. If you are often bored you should fill your life with fulfilling activities. Consider volunteering at your local GPD office or raising Chia Pets.

Q. What is it about boredom that can kill people?
A. When people are bored they are more likely to take up hobbies such as scrapbooking in which brads and hole punches figure prominently. We have long released statistics linking these activities to early deaths, and it should be no surprise to our supporters that boredom can lead to such dangerous activities.

Q. How do I prevent death by boredom?
A. The most effective means of preventing death by boredom is to stay alive.

We hope this information has been helpful!

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