Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thanks, Guerilla Grape Artist Who Shall Rename Nameless

Many of you have been asking us whatever happened to our friend and ally, the guerilla grape artist who agreed to spread the word about the GNU Public Dictatorship through that exciting and unorthodox means. We have been surprised by the lack of media coverage of her pieces of GPD art, but we have it on good authority that there are many buyers lined up for them, but none of them are for sale. It seems people who stumble on GPD vegetables don't want to part with them. At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not pleased with her work!

Oh, and for the curious, some of her work that has received more attention of late includes this beautiful banana, this strawberry crab, and these special spuds. Great work, nameless artist who values her privacy and will remain nameless regardless of the fact that we would regale her with public praise if she would just let us!

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