Monday, January 25, 2010

A milestone!

In the GNU Public Dictatorship's campaign for equal rights for everything there have been a few highlights, such as the time the EU finally decided that misshapen and irregular fruits and vegetables could participate in the above-ground food markets without fear of retribution. As momentous as that occasion may have seemed, at the GNU Public Dictatorship we think it may have been surpassed this time.

Since its inception the film industry has been one of exclusion. For many years the equipment was so expensive that only major studios could make movies. While cheaper, better equipment has removed wealth as a precondition to entering the movie market, the studios have still dictated the kinds and quantities of movies being made. All of this, however, is about to change. Thanks to some dedicated activists the first ever monkey-made movie is about to premier (if only on television, for now). We expect the reaction to be positive, and we are extremely pleased that someone other than humans has finally been allowed to make a movie. We hope other species will follow suit soon, and that before long we will have our theaters replete with movies that satisfy gerbils' need for social interaction.

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