Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Technology is wonderful

Some experiences in life are nearly universal. Take, for instance, a time when you put toast in the toaster and waited patiently for it to pop up so you could eat it. As the seconds become minutes your attention wanes slightly but your appetite is unaffected. Suddenly, however, you smell something new and sinister--something is burning! You quickly pop the toast up only to see that by the time you smelled the burning it was already too far gone. You discard the toasted bread, adjust the toaster, and try again, this time with more frustration than anticipation. As you wait patiently this time you are perhaps more attentive to the toast, not daring to leave the vicinity of the toaster lest you miss the initial signs of burnt toast, but even so, the tell-tale smell reaches your nose too late to stop the destruction of yet another piece of innocent bread!

If this tale sounds familiar, you will likely join with the GNU Public Dictatorship's Board of Dictators to thank the inventors of the transparent toaster. Not only does it cook the toast perfectly, but it does so right before your eyes and for a reasonable price of £160 (US $256). Thanks, guys!

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