Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Lord Victorious, again

We have spent a great deal of time verifying the stories of the two individuals who claimed to be "Lord Victorious" in order to prove (or disprove--at the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not pragmatic, and so we don't mind if the scientific method proves one of our hypotheses wrong) that the stories about the mysterious mentor having been placed there deliberately to teach "Viktor" are wrong. Try as we might, however, we could not prove that either individual is not who they claim to be. We tried tracking down the former residents and officials from the orphanage in question, but it was torn down 25 years ago and it has proven quite difficult to locate the former inhabitants a quarter of a century later. The more we try to disprove that either of these individuals was "Lord Victorious," however, the more overwhelming the evidence seems.

Last week, however, we finally caught a break. We have been trying to locate records from the orphanage for quite some time, and we finally found them in an ice cave in Siberia. Orphan enthusiasts have often suspected a great store of records existed in Siberia, but until last week nobody had actually found it. It appears to have been collected by one of the former guards and sent to his friend (a political exile in the heart of Siberia) for safe keeping. Both the friend and the guard died before passing on the secret, but thanks to some excellent investigative work on the part of our remaining operatives we found it late last week!

The documents have been authenticated by our experts, and prove beyond a doubt, that there were indeed multiple orphans who claimed the title of "Lord Victorious." Both of our individuals were listed there, but the one who held the title during the time "Viktor" was there was not one of these two, but one simply referred to by the guards as "that one." There were no records of his arrival, and no records of his departure, but he arrive a few months before "Viktor" and shortly after the escape of "Viktor" he disappeared, never to be heard from again.

It pains us not to be able to definitively state that this "Lord Victorious" was or wasn't placed there solely to train "Viktor," but we are pleased that we have cleared up some of the other mysteries surrounding this important time in young "Viktor's" life.

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