Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Solutions for the Inevitable

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not concerned with the future of the world and its resources. We have engaged in much of the debate regarding ways to reduce human impact on the environment, but much of it has been plagued by political posturing and grandstanding. Consequently, the GPD has decided to create a new task force to create Solutions for the Inevitable. At its first meeting last night the SI group studied the problem of coastal areas flooding due to polar ice caps melting. Rather than focus on prevention of rising sea levels the working group discussed ways to make homes resistant to rising sea levels. The consensus was that in coastal areas we should begin building houses with flexible retractable piping connecting them to the grid and with pontoons that will allow them to adjust to any sea level change with minimal rocking. At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not proud of the results of their first meeting and look forward to many more common-sense solutions to the inevitable problems our children's children may be facing after we are long gone.

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