Friday, July 30, 2010

Too much confidence

If the GNU Public Dictatorship stands for anything it is for the rights of the downtrodden and overlooked, which is why we often try to foster confidence among these groups so that they will resist the "norms" of society and become more than they would otherwise be. Some have mistakenly interpreted this message as advocating reckless confidence and unfettered individualism. While we do believe that individuals should feel comfortable with themselves and should feel empowered to do what they want to do, we do not believe that people should throw caution to the wind or engage in behaviors that are harmful to others or in illegal activities (especially when such activities are generally recognized to be morally wrong). Case in point: this coffee-shop robber who, despite having conversed with uniformed police officers before entering the store proceeded to cut in line in front of the cops and rob the store in front of the aforementioned officers. Please exercise restraint and do not follow in his example!

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