Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Non-lethal Force

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not sickened by the fact that we, on occasion, have to hurt our enemies to prevent them from harming us. The issue comes up frequently in meetings of the Board of Dictators, and we have exerted our influence to help the military-industrial complex create non-lethal weapons, such as the ADS. While we are encouraged by our current results we are saddened by the thought that not all of our projects are quite that effective. Take this test, for instance, of a psychological weapon. We could say a lot about it, but we'll just say, for now, that it didn't end well. Some "governments" would try to hide their failures from their public, but we do not follow in their footsteps. We believe that the Future can only be established by conscientious openness, where our supporters know everything about our methods and motives and love us anyway. How else could we wield our capricious influence over so many people at once?

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