Monday, May 3, 2010

The Code

Many of you have written in with theories regarding the evil Parent Corporation code that Daniel recently broke, and we would like to take a few minutes to update you on our progress and thank you for your suggestions. First, we would like to recognize a few individuals whose suggestions helped us progress on interpreting the messages:
  • Ezekiel Cartwright of Wichita, Kansas, USA for his suggestion that the code might be using a variation of the beloved Fibonacci sequence to hide more important messages. In fact, using an overlay of Pascal's triangle did show us many interesting things, but these messages were encoded in the original Shakespeare, so unless the Parent Corporation captured Shakespeare's alleged time machine and used it to encode these messages in the play... hmm... that's something to investigate.
  • Janice Robinson of Lubbock, Texas, USA for her suggestion that the code might be more understood by stripping vowels from the text and using a huge array of varying numbers of columns to find predictions of events that would have been in the future when the play was written but are now part of the past record. We investigated this method and found that we could predict the downfall of the Nazis and have found a passage that possibly predicts that Britney Spears will become President, but we're not sure whether to believe it.
  • Gary Weaver of Salisbury, UK for his suggestion that we should look at the entropy of the messages for patterns. We found the message "Hi mom!" encoded in this way, but we don't suppose it is useful.
We are making a great deal of progress on deciphering the code, and hope to be able to use it to subvert the Parent Corporation soon, but we'll keep you posted!

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