Friday, April 30, 2010

How not to get cited for DUI

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not committed to being responsible citizens, even if the current governments available fall short of the perfection we are offering the world. We do not support the avoidance of responsibility or the shirking of duties, but we do like to point out inefficiencies in the current system and ways that people could easily exploit it--not so that people will exploit them, but so that the so-called authorities will stop them from being so effective. Anyway, I digress. The reason I'm posting this today is that this recent case in Minnesota illustrates an interesting strategy for avoiding being cited for DUI. We're not sure everyone could exploit this loophole, and certainly those who do not own a dog would have trouble using it, and another problem is that you would have to be drunk enough to throw up and simultaneously be aware enough to blame it on your dog. We have our statisticians working right now on finding the percentage of people cited with DUI that could have avoided the citation using this strategy, so hopefully we'll soon know the real impact of this loophole.

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