Thursday, May 13, 2010

Hero of the People? We're not quite sure

Elaine McLuskey may have just become a Hero of the People for her latest invention. Designed to allow conversations even in noisy rooms such as pubs, her speech bubbles are an important addition to anyone's wardrobe. Okay, so maybe not anyone's wardrobe, but certainly anyone who wants to go to a bar looking like a wannabe deep see diver. At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not eager to honor world citizens who make important contributions to society, but we cannot always award them the Hero of the People award due to its stringent requirements. Not only must a Hero of the People do something awesome, but he or she must also further the cause of the Board of Dictators through said awesomeness. Unfortunately, Elaine has not yet committed herself to the New Future, so we are unable to award her our highest honor...yet. If you know Elaine, please put your speech bubble on and follow her down to the local pub so you can spend some quality time with her and still get the message across about the GPD!

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