Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Contact From the Allies

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not slow to judgment, which is why, despite the allegations, we have held out the hope that the Allies are not involved in the recent Salad People affairs. As luck would have it one of their operatives contacted our trusted operative "Viktor" this morning and informed him that, while he wouldn't disclose what the Allies were working on, he could tell them unequivocally that the Allies are not working on food-borne toxins, and that the intelligence recently gathered must have been planted by someone unfriendly to the Allies. "Viktor" got the impression that they are still on our side, but no words were explicitly exchanged to that effect. We are inclined to believe that this operative is on the level, and as such will declare now that perhaps "Nikolai" had been trying to sully their reputation. We'll keep you informed.

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