Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Rest in Peace, "Viktor"?

Many of our supporters have written to ask why we aren't saying anything about "Viktor" anymore, and we believe it is finally time for us to explain. The last time we met with "Viktor" was on October 1 of this year, when he reported on his investigations into the no-longer-missing hand. Since then we have been attempting to figure out where he went. Our other top operatives traced him to a motel in eastern New Jersey on October 3, but it is there that the trail goes cold. All of the evidence we have recovered at the motel points to "Viktor" having been brutally murdered, but since we do not have a body yet we have been holding out, believing beyond hope that he is still alive. In the intervening weeks, however, we have not observed any activity at his home, on his bank accounts, or at the grave of his dearly-departed mother. We find it inconceivable that "Viktor" would let anything stand in the way of his weekly visits to his mother's grave, and since we are confident that he could escape from any entrapment the Parent Corporation could devise we fear that "Viktor" may, in fact, have been brutally murdered in October. If any of you have seen any sign of "Viktor" we ask that you report it immediately. At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not realistic, so if nobody has seen or heard from him since October we have decided that all we can do is to declare him dead and honor his memory.

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