Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Gateway to Brads

It has come to my attention that there are some who believe that I have been neglecting my post on the Board of Dictators. As it is true that I have not posted for a while, it is because I was working on many essential and very time-consuming projects for the well-being of society. I have also, in this time, managed to identify one of the latest plots of the Parent Corporation.

We have known for a long time to avoid the evils of brads and the hole punch, as well as evil stickers. Our state is such that those who would call themselves loyal to the GPD would never dream of using these materials. Therefore, the Parent Corporation has been inventing 'gateway' products, which in and of themselves are not evil, and in some cases may even be very practical, but which resemble the evils effects of the Parent Corporation. One such product is the folder with 'prongs'. Sure, it seems simple enough -- maybe even practical. The danger is that people start to associate good feelings for these prongs that subconsciously remind them of brads. Pretty soon they start finding "good uses" for brads, and they are well on their way to evil. As a side note, since these folders are not inherently evil, please be sure to use them according to the instructions provided, and never use them to rip holes in papers -- this creates tendencies that could easily lead to the use of brads.

We at the GNU Public Dictatorship are nothing if not supportive of those who invent things that can be used for the good of mankind. We ask you, however, to be careful what items you let into your home, lest lead you to the use brads or hole punches.

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