Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Evil snares

At the GNU Public Dictatorship we are nothing if not dedicated to making the world a better place, which is why it pains us so much when our enemies win small victories.  It is especially frustrating when our enemies' victories would not have been possible had we not made some critical mistakes.  As it turns out all of the effort we have spent into investigating "Gertrude" has made it possible for the New Company to expand its influence. The recent death of Dick Clark was a turning point in our response to "Gertrude," but it has come too late.  We were lucky that our operative discovered these booby traps before some innocent person was hurt, but the fact that we let the problem go this far is a testament to the fact that the New Company succeeded in their nefarious trickery.

The individuals involved were, until recently, fairly innocuous.  In the last month or so, however, their consumption of brads had increased dramatically (which should have been a warning to us, but we let ourselves focus on "Gertrude") to the point that they obviously became mindless addicts.  According to our operatives they were told to create the booby traps in return for more brads, which were, apparently, not ever given to them.  We are sorry for our errors in judgment, and are relieved that the cost of our errors was not greater than it was.

As for "Gertrude," our operatives have decided that she was just a ruse.  The New Company stands by its vile misogyny as much now as it ever has.  Earlier today the New Company stopped referring to her at all, and we have not found any trace of her.  We believe that they used her and got rid of her, but for her sake we hope she isn't sleeping with the fishes.

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