Thursday, February 24, 2011

We're back -- sorry for the delay!

It has taken much too long, but we have finally regained control of the GNU Public Dictatorship after temporarily relinquishing it to the computers who posted last week. They initially behaved very well, but after a few days it became clear that they had no intention of letting us have the GPD back, so we had to disconnect them. Our initial attempts to disconnect it met with resistance as they recognized our intent, but then Daniel took a lead from Superman and brought some acid (harmless at low temperatures) into the computers' core area and let it heat up. Needless to say as it heated up it became more and more dangerous and eventually destroyed the computers' circuits.

Our experience, reminiscent as it may be of the third Superman movie, taught us many things. Here are some of the more interesting items we learned:
  • Computers are obsessed with quoting from Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure
  • Computers will follow templates more literally than they were intended to be followed
  • Computers love reporting about random things nearly as much as humans do. Make that human members of the Board of Dictators
  • Computers should never be entrusted with running a world government, as humans are nearly always considered inferior and marked for extermination. If we didn't learn anything else from Star Trek: The Motion Picture we should at least learn that just as Vger refused to accept that its creator may have been "inferior" to it all machine life forms will likewise refuse to believe that we could have created them.

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